dinsdag 9 juni 2009

08 juni

books I lived in...

Who spends time reading nowadays? Life is way too busy to lose time in such a silly passtime. We have our work, all the hobbyclubs we attend, the computer, we need to watch the news on tv and oh yes, visit family and friends. So who spends time reading nowadays? Well, I do... Books meant alot to me. They did all of my life, from childhood on. I would like to use this website for two things:
1. a weekly book review of one of the books that. for me, left shades of memories
2. a weekly review from others, that join me on this website
I will do it for a month, and see how it goes. Hopefully continue after.
First book is written by someone, born in Burkina Faso, West-Africa. He studied in France and later left to live in the U.S.
*Patrice Maildoma Somé, Of water and the fire
The book describes the childhood of the writer. As a young kid, he originally grew up in a small village, surrounded by his family. At the age of 10 he is sent to the missionart school. He lives there as well, since it is too far away from his home to travel there daily. At first he adapts to the rules, however after a while he becomes a very rebellious teenager. He not only disagrees with the rules, but also shows it very clearly in his behaviour. It all ends up by leaving missionaryschool and go back home. That is some culture shock. He gets re-adapted by the small village again, and has to do the initiation rituals that are common for much younger boys in the community, to become part of the community again. A few things really impressed me in the book. One was the honest, sincere way in which the writer considers his own feelings and thoughts. He doesn't look away from unpleasant experiences or behaviour, but takes a look in the mirror to see who he really is. Good and bad sides alltogether. Another thing was, that he gives an inside view, even while sometimes just a glimpse, into the hidden old habits of the culture he originates from. The magic of West-Africa, without romantizing, by someone who comes from inside. It is not that often, that someone describes his own youth in Africa, that took part in a vartiety of cultures. The book reminded me a bit of the first African film that I saw lightyears ago, when it had just been released, called Yeelen. But that is another story, and another weblog perhaps. This is about books right?

1 opmerking:

  1. That’s a good idea Maddy. I love reading to. But its not always easy to write in English a review from a Dutch book. I ll try next time.

    Greetings, Wim
